(Mostly-complete) Parr Meeting Minutes
Fall 2011
2011/11/14 | A Unified Probabilistic Model for Global and Local Unsupervised Feature Selection | Link |
2011/10/24 | Tour the World: Building a Web-Scale Landmark Recognition Engine | Link |
2011/10/10 | ORB: an efficient alterative to SIFT or SURF | No link yet |
2011/09/26 | Jointly Learning Data-Dependent Label and Locality-Preserving Projections | Link |
2011/09/05 | Submodular meets spectral: Greedy algorithms for subset selection, sparse approximation and dictionary selection | Link |
Spring 2011
2011/04/11 | Submodularity.org Video Tutorial #1 | Link |
2011/03/28 | A Simpler Approach to Matrix Completion | Link |
2011/03/14 | Large Margin Methods for Structured and Interdependent Output Variables | Link |
2011/02/28 | Sample complexity of testing the manifold hypothesis | Link |
Fall 2010
2010/08/30 | Efficient Non-Parametric Surface Representations Using Active Sampling for Push Broom Laser Data | Link | |
2010/09/06 | Synthetic Aperture Tracking: Tracking Through Occlusions | Link | Videos |
2010/09/13 | Bregman iterative algorithms for L1-minimization with applications to compressed sensing | Link | |
2010/09/27 | Local and Global Regressive Mapping for Manifold Learning with Out-of-Sample Extrapolation | Link | |
2010/10/11 | Efficient Simulation of Inextensible Cloth | Link | |
2010/10/25 | Action Respecting Embedding | Link | |
Subjective Localization with Action Respecting Embedding | Link | ||
2010/11/08 | Apprenticeship Learning for Helicopter Control | Link | Videos |