DRIV: Duke Robotics, Intelligence, and Vision
Tracking Multiple People Online and in Real Time
E. Ristani and C. Tomasi
2D Features for 3D Hand Tracking
C. Carley, and C. Tomasi
Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Scored Trajectories
B. Burchfiel, R. Parr, and C. Tomasi
A Linear System Form Solution to Compute the Local Space Average Color
J. Salas and C. Tomasi
Simultaneous Compaction and Factorization of Sparse Image Motion Matrices
S. Ricco and C. Tomasi
Dense Lagrangian Motion Estimation with Occlusions
S. Ricco and C. Tomasi
Greedy Algorithms for Sparse Reinforcement Learning
C. Painter-Wakefield, R. Parr
Exploratory Dijkstra forest based automatic vessel segmentation: applications in video indirect ophthalmoscopy (VIO)
R. Estrada, C. Tomasi, M. Cabrera, D. Wallace, S. Freedman, S. Farsiu
Enhanced Video Indirect Ophthalmoscopy via Robust Mosaicing
R. Estrada, C. Tomasi, M. Cabrera, D. Wallace, S. Freedman, S. Farsiu
Extended Pairwise Potentials
S. Gu, Y. Zheng and C. Tomasi
Textured Occupancy Grids for Monocular Localization Without Features
J. Mason, S. Ricco, and R. Parr
Efficient Visual Object Tracking with Online Nearest Neighbor Classifier
S. Gu and Y. Zheng and C. Tomasi
Critical Nets and Beta-Stable Features for Image Matching
S. Gu and Y. Zheng and C. Tomasi
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process for Audiovisual Synhcronization
S. Gu and C. Tomasi
Manuscript bleed-through removal via hysteresis thresholding
R. Estrada, C. Tomasi
Hierarchical Video Segmentation using Morse-Smale Complexes
S. Gu, Y. Zheng, C. Tomasi
Ethical Solutions to Games
J. Letchford, V. Conitzer
L1 Regularized Value Function Approximation for Reinforcement Learning
C. Painter-Wakefield, J. Johns, R. Parr
Multi-Resolution Sensor Fusion
J. Mason, R. Parr
Linear Value-Function Approximation for Reinforcement Learning
C. Painter-Wakefield,
G. Taylor, R. Parr
ASL Recognition
S. Ricco, C. Tomasi
Redistribution Mechanisms
M. Guo, V. Conitzer
Unscented Kalman filter for brain machine interfaces
Z. Li, J. O`Doherty, T. Hanson, M. Lebedev, C. Henriquez, M. Nicolelis
Self-Reconfigurable Robots
S. Slee, J. Reif
Geometric Approximation of Distributions
J. Phillips
Shape Metrics for the
Optic Nerve Head
R. Estrada, C. Tomasi
Level-Set Curve Particles
T. Jiang, C. Tomasi
Least-Squares Policy Iteration
M. Lagoudakis, R. Parr
A. Eliazar, R.Parr
Recognition and Tracking
of Hand Gestures
A. Sastry, C. Tomasi
Measuring the Changes
of Skin Regions
R. Liu, C. Tomasi
Tracking by Classification
M. Matthews, C. Tomasi
Registration with Outliers
J. Phillips, R. Liu, C. Tomasi
Simultaneous BMI decoding and tuning model update using Bayesian regression
Z. Li, J. O`Doherty, M. Lebedev, M. Nicolelis
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